Heart 2 Heart Communication - Animal

What is Heart 2 Heart Communication?

It is to give the animals a voice and in addition to the spoken message, we create a holistic perspective for you as the owner of your animal.
​​​​​​​We act as an intermediary, where your communication and cooperation are lacking.

Basic: Heart 2 Heart Communicator.

During the basic training, we go through the basic points for you as a future Heart 2 Heart communicator. These basic points include:
* Values
* The basics of energy theory
* Working methodology
* The holistic perspective
* The basics of Heart 2 Heart Communication - animals
* The books Mother Pinetrees Wisdom, The Spirits Speak and a course compendium

In connection with your registration, you will receive more detailed course information and you are always welcome to contact us if you have more questions!

Warm welcome!
Kajsa Levander & Mira Mård

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Price for Basic Training:

Basic Training incl board & lodging (dormitory): 6900kr inkl moms
Basic Training incl meals (no breakfast): 6200kr inkl moms

We have 6 places including board & accommodation and 6 places excluding accommodation.
First come, first served and we do not reserve any seats.

Date: 3-4 July 2021
Place: Hilaria - Utsunds Kurscenter i Avesta, Dalarna

Postgraduate education
Heart 2 Heart Communicator
Blocks 1, 2 and 3 will be launched in the summer of 2021.