
The shamanic handcraft, art and sewing are an important part of the business.

Most of what is offered in the web shop is made in the studio. Horns, bones, feathers are picked in the woods and on the ground. We use a lot of wood, leather and leather in the craft. The ceremonial part of the production is central and permeates everything that is created. The studio is also open to those who want to create themselves.

The vibration of the shamanic handcraft

Picture this: A crackling fire with people gathered around it. The conversations are low-key or they sing. They are in unison, in the same room with their hands busy. Often it was women, but men also ended up here, sooner or later. The craft has fallen into oblivion with many, but not with me. Here it lives to a very high degree and it creates community both in the family and with the course participants who time and time again return to the course center to manufacture something.

When it happens, we always get a nice, harmonious atmosphere to enjoy. Sometimes it is quiet and the only thing that is heard are the sounds of the craft. All of a sudden, someone starts talking about something and the conversation gets a harmonious flow. We often come to insight without even making an effort.

Sometimes someone starts singing (usually me) and one by one tunes into the song. First quiet, then louder and louder. Sometimes the song falls silent and we all experience a moment of reverence. Sometimes it ends with healing laughter.

The craft centered the person and created a less stress. Today we know through research that a lot of wonderful endorphins etc. are released during eg crochet or knitting. Just like when running. In addition to this, a vibration is created in us that brings us closer to our ancestors and ancestors. We slip beyond time and space and feel not only in harmony with the people in the room, but also with those who no longer walk the Path of Life with us.

We also get to be involved and create something that brings memories and positive energy to the person who receives our creations.

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  • hilaria-atelje
  • trumma

Previous knowledge

You may not be able to, but you can learn. Everyone can. When there are craft evenings at Hilaria, everyone can, by someone else step by step, show you how you should and should not. This is where we grow. In the moment when we get to jointly lock each other forward in a project and experience the power of creating.

I have seen a person who has never sewn anything in his entire life create a beautiful dress of three old. This is also smart consumption. Recycling is fantastic. I have seen a man who has never worked with leather or wood, create a beautiful drum. From start to finish with tutorial step by step. Drum construction is also a ceremonial journey in the vibration of the drum. Letting a drum be born ceremonially takes time, but that drum will also always serve you well.

There is also another benefit in challenging oneself to do without knowledge. You are growing. You grow something enormous and the feeling of holding on to something beautiful that you yourself have created cannot be described. It is also healing to create. Many thoughts pass and many emotions as well, when you engage in crafts. It can be equated with meditation, or running.

In us there is something that Mother Pinetree calls creative power, it is important for all mankind. Without it, we would still be living in caves without tools. It is the creative power that makes us improve, develop and invent. It is the creative force that has built civilizations through the millennia. It is the one that has built up the society we have today.

Dare to create.